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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: 3- Masturbation (Istimna’)

3- Masturbation (Istimna’)

Issue 782: If a person, who is observing fast, masturbates, his/her fast becomes void.

Masturbation refers to any sort of action which leads to ejaculation.

Issue 783: If a person discharges semen involuntarily, his fast will not be void, but if he does something which leads to an involuntary ejaculation, his fast will be void.

Issue 784: When a person knows that if he sleeps during the day, he will be Junub while sleeping, it is permissible for him to sleep, and if he sleeps and becomes Junub, his fast will be valid.

Issue 785: If a person who is observing fast wakes up from sleep while ejaculation is taking place, it is not obligatory for him to stop it.

Issue 786: If a person who is observing fast intentionally does something to ejaculate, but ejaculation does not take place, his fast will not be void.

Q787: Will it be obligatory for a person who masturbates while fasting in Ramadhan to make the full atonement for that, i.e., to give the full Kaffarah (kaffarat-ul-jam’)?

A: Yes, he will be obliged to make the full atonement.

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