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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: The underlying logic of Islam and Quran disapproves of despotism.
Grand Ayatollah Saanei in a meeting with the former editorial board of Ilna News Agency: The underlying logic of Islam and Quran disapproves of despotism.
In a meeting with the former editorial board of Ilna News Agency, Grand Ayatollah Saanei stated, “Today, the way to disseminate Islam is through the explication of human rights. To disseminate Islam, we should introduce Islam as the religion of wisdom and mercy, but not the religion of violence, rigidity, stagnation.” Stressing that the media should concentrate part of their efforts and energy on the comparison of laws to the human rights, Grand Ayatollah Saanei said, “Islam is an easy and merciful religion. It is the religion of rationality. That’s why in the noble book Kafee, the first chapter has been allotted to the discussion of intellect under the title of Kitab al Aghl (the Book of Intellect).”
His Eminence then added, “The underlying logic of Islam and Quran disapproves of despotism. All discussions should be based on logic and reasoning. Today, human society does not approve of despotic approaches. Even the holy Quran does not deploy a despotic and illogical tone. It is not that God the Almighty says, “Do so because I tell you to.” Rather, He gives explanations and then orders us to follow His directions. For instance, He says, ‘[O, Muhammad], Take charity from their possessions to cleanse them and purify them thereby and bless them.’ This means that Allah the Almighty tells us to give charity to cleanse our souls of greed.”
Expressing how important and influential a responsibility the correspondents’ profession is in the formation of thoughts, Ayatollah Saanei stated, “We should avoid all such issues that are against Islam, the Islamic Revolution, and the people. He who believes that individual intellect overrides collective one is indeed against the most fundamental principle of Islam and the holy Quran. Therefore, the media should be careful not to disseminate such ideas.” This grand religious authority then pointed out Imam Sadiq (A)’s way of disseminating and publicizing Shiite culture despite all restrictions and barriers and added, “Your reliance on cultural affairs and issues is so valuable and I recommend that you benefit from eminent and renowned people and their viable ideas.” In the end, stressing that reformist movements within the system should highlight positive aspects, Grand Ayatollah Saanei hoped that people, society, and political elites’ problems are resolved and political prisoners are freed as soon as possible.
Date: 2012/04/28
Views: 10299

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Source: http://saanei.org